New Hockney Posters
RA exhibition, Hockney sketchbook, £50k stamp design kids competition, Basquiat posters, Art jobs & prizes
The Arrival Of Spring
Hi folks, sorry it’s late this week! The RA Shop has launched 4 exclusive poster designs to mark Hockney’s Royal Academy exhibition (opens this Sunday through 26 Sep). Large posters are just £7.00 (76 x 51cm) and mini prints £3.50 (38 x 25cm).
View the RA Hockney Collection of exhibition posters, prints, cards & accompanying book of all 116 artworks. See also Hockney’s Spring Cannot Be Cancelled book.
Speaking of Hockney books, this 6 minute video of Hockney silently showing us his Normandy sketchbook is the best advert for a drawing filled life you’ll see.
Final Hockney – Circa have commissioned a new lithographic poster with yellow silk screen overlay (89 x 25cm). It’s time time-limited, available until May 31st.
‘Remember that you cannot look at the sun or death for very long’ - Hockney, £100
New Art Competitions
AIR Open 2021 - prizes of up to £1,000 for exhibition at Altrincham gallery (closes 4 Jul)
UK Art Competitions - 28 prizes open.
Kids Art Competitions
Heroes Stamp Design Competition - over £50,000 of prizes split between entrants and schools to design a stamp honouring heroes of the pandemic (28 May)
Cheeky Panda competition - design the world's best toilet! Edinburgh Zoo trip, goody bags & £500 spending for class (31 May)
Cairngorms Nature Art Competition - win wildlife watching prizes (23 May)
Children’s Art Competitions - 14 open.
Jean-Michel Basquiat in New York, see our Basquiat prints & posters page.
ArtWorks Together celebrates the work of artists with learning disabilities and/or autism at Wentworth Woodhouse + art workshops (opens 29 Jun)
Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours - view online or at Mall Galleries, London (20 - 29 May). Includes this painting by MoMa favourite Thomas Lamb.
Art Opportunities
New arts jobs this week in England, Scotland, Wales, NI, Ireland & UK wide.
Art opportunities worldwide from Art Deadline, Art Rabbit & ArtistOpenCalls.
See you next week,