August Break
Back in September! £12.5k Derwent Art Prize, Photography Competitions, Art Jobs & Opportunities
“Pacific Coast Highway and Santa Monica” by David Hockney (1990)
Summer Hiatus
I’ll be taking a break from the newsletter over August to recharge the creative batteries, spend more time with family and friends, enjoy the great outdoors and err on the side of more ice cream. Have a great one too and I'll meet you back here in September. Until then, here's a round up of art competitions, inspiration and ideas.
Photography Competitions
You may have noticed our new page for Photography Competitions. Still very much a work in progress with 9 open competitions (and 9 awaiting entry) but it’s on the cusp of being useful so stay tuned for further additions and updates. Constructive feedback from photographers always welcome, just reply to this email.
New Art Competitions
The Derwent Art Prize returns with a £12,500 prize fund for the best 2D & 3D artworks created in pencil or coloured pencil, water soluble, pastel, graphite or charcoal. 1st Prize is £4,000 & a year’s supply of Derwent products (4th Jan 2022)
Children’s Art Competitions - 7 open.
UK Art Competitions - 19 prizes open.
A Saul Steinberg ‘photowork’ (an image that combines photography and drawing) from the March 1950 issue of Flair. Gelatin silver print. (hat tip @piece_with_artist)
Art Opportunities
New arts jobs this week in England, Scotland, Wales, NI, Ireland & UK wide.
Art opportunities worldwide from Art Deadline, Art Rabbit & ArtistOpenCalls.
‘Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose’ by John Singer Sargent – 1885-6 (174 x 153cm).
The Golden Minutes
Over the course of an Autumn and Summer Sargent had only ten minutes a day to capture the exact light he wanted. Conservationist Rebecca Helen & Tate curator Caroline Corbeau-Parsons bring Sargent’s impressionist masterwork to life.
Bye for now…

See you in September!